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Anne-Katel Martineau was interviewed about “Businesses on the internet and how to protect them", 3 minutes contre les idées reçues, broadcast on December 1, 2013, Les Echos.


Anne-Katel Martineau was interviewed alongside Alexandre Perrichon, a chartered accountant, on the topic of Businesses on the internet and how to protect them, the interview was broadcast on iTélé in December 2013.

In January 2013, Anne-Katel Martineau was elected head of the Paris branch of the National Confederation of Lawyers, the very first and long-established association of lawyers. The journalist Laurine Tavitian came to interview her for the website Le Village de la Justice.

Anne-Katel Martineau was also interviewed by Bruno Fridlandsky for Locita on the subject of crowdfunding on 5 October 2011.

Anne-Katel Martineau was interviewed on the theme "Is the passion of lawyers for writing at risk?" by Marie, Village de la Justice, January 23, 2015

Anne-Katel Martineau was interviewed about the radio program “La voix des avocats parisiens" of which she is the producer, by Antoine Couder, Lamy editions, Octobre 27, 2014

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